Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Daomu Biji English Translation

Hello! Hello! My name is Angélique and I've started this blog for one purpose. To translate Daomu Biji to English. Like I've stated on the main page for the series, I am in no way a professional translator, writer, or an editor. I am simply a fan who wants to translate the remaining books for my own purposes and to generate attention towards this series. My thoughts are that if I provide my novice translations it'll eventually attract a more experienced translator or translation fan group. Also to help provide English speaking fans something to read since only 6 books were translated and I don't see the remaining 3 books being officially translated any time soon. I mean might as well find out what happens to the characters first now that you've made it this far and then read a better translation later right? 

The books will be translated from Vietnamese fan translations of the series so there will be inaccuracies especially since I'm pretty much putting the book through a filter, but the general storyline will come through. If I could read Chinese I truly would've translated using the original text, trust me. Also I have only recently discovered that the whole series has been translated to Vietnamese by fan translation groups, so I have yet to personally read the remaining 3 books (due to there being only 6 in English)
As of now I am currently working on translating the first chapter of the 7th book.

Also this is currently a one person team so translations most likely will be slow. I am in need of translators, editors, and proofreaders! Please join me if you want faster progress!