Friday, May 22, 2020

This Blog Has Moved!

If you haven't read the Update post, do so now :)
Because this blog is going to be expanding to other projects besides novel translations, I've decided to move to a new address more fitting for future projects! (has nothing to do with gardening tho, sorry to disappoint lol)


Heyyy y'all, this will be an update on the status of my translations for Daomu Biji.
As this is quite literally a one-woman team, I have been struggling to keep up with translating the novel whilst balancing school and work life. The purpose of my translation efforts were to also hopefully catch the attention of other translators with more experience than me to translate the novels or just quite literally anyone with the interest to do so. And whilst I may not be the cause, someone has picked up on the translation of these novels!!!! I am quite late to posting this as I haven't had the time to do so, but here is the link to MereBear's translations:

As of now, I see my efforts as unnecessary as MereBear has been doing a great job and has a very fast translation pace. If it is deemed necessary that I continue to translate, I will do so, but as of now, the project is officially on hold.

As for the future of this blog, I'm currently working on smaller projects related to my own interests that I will reveal soon. :) This interests will affect the scope of this blog so I will be changing the name from "Tian Translations" to "Tian's Garden".

And because I have put this on hold, I will release what little of Chapter 2 that I managed to get through (bear in mind, unedited):

The iron chains that had been cut were encased in a layer of rust, and on the lock were spiderwebs. It was easy to see that this was not something that had happened recently.
“Ah!” Du Quan Shan was also surprised, “What’s going on here?”
"It's nothing, you just remembered wrong. Someone’s already been down here." I said, peering through the iron railings of the door. Shining the flashlight inside, heaps of nondescript debris sprawled across the staircase, dust clinging onto every surface. A peculiar moldy smell made it’s way straight into my nose.
"Don’t tell me you’re planning on going down there? It’s too dirty down there!" he said.
I was hesitant as to whether I should go down or not. It didn’t seem like it had anything to do with my purpose for coming here. The iron chains had been cut off, leaving hundreds of possibilities as to the reason why with the potential that the door had maybe never even been locked in the first place. While thinking about the matter is extremely thrilling, how does any of it concern me? Thinking this, I pushed the matter aside.
As I was preparing to leave, I reflexively flicked the flashlight towards the door once more, illuminating the paper seal.
Probably due to an occupational hazard developed from my work over the years,

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Daomu Biji Book 7 CH1 (English)

Daomu Biji
Book 7: 阴山古楼 (Yīn Shān Gǔ Lóu): Ancient Mansion Down Under
Alt: The Grave Robbers' Chronicles Book 7
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Language: English
Translator: Angélique

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Daomu Biji English Translation

Hello! Hello! My name is Angélique and I've started this blog for one purpose. To translate Daomu Biji to English. Like I've stated on the main page for the series, I am in no way a professional translator, writer, or an editor. I am simply a fan who wants to translate the remaining books for my own purposes and to generate attention towards this series. My thoughts are that if I provide my novice translations it'll eventually attract a more experienced translator or translation fan group. Also to help provide English speaking fans something to read since only 6 books were translated and I don't see the remaining 3 books being officially translated any time soon. I mean might as well find out what happens to the characters first now that you've made it this far and then read a better translation later right? 

The books will be translated from Vietnamese fan translations of the series so there will be inaccuracies especially since I'm pretty much putting the book through a filter, but the general storyline will come through. If I could read Chinese I truly would've translated using the original text, trust me. Also I have only recently discovered that the whole series has been translated to Vietnamese by fan translation groups, so I have yet to personally read the remaining 3 books (due to there being only 6 in English)
As of now I am currently working on translating the first chapter of the 7th book.

Also this is currently a one person team so translations most likely will be slow. I am in need of translators, editors, and proofreaders! Please join me if you want faster progress!